First Giving

Why do Christians give?

  1. We give because we love God and want to demonstrate it in a tangible way.
  2. We give because Christ commanded it.  Matthew 6:2 records that Jesus told his disciples, “When you give…”  Not “If you give…”
  3. We give because it honors God and is a form of worship.  Matthew 6:3-4 tells us that our Father in Heaven sees our charity and rewards it.
  4. We give because we recognize that everything we have belongs to God.  He has allowed us to be stewards of these things, but He retains ownership.
  5. We give because God blesses the uses of our tithes and offerings, and He applies them for His purposes and glory.
  6. We give because we have compassion for the physical and spiritual well-being of others.

How does God tell us to give?

  • Freely, not grudgingly or because we are compelled
  • Cheerfully, because we love our Lord and know He will use our gifts for good
  • Privately, without seeking credit or fanfare
  • Generously, in proportion to how the Lord has blessed us
  • Purely, with motives based in love and compassion and grace

How can you contribute?

To make it easier for First Baptist members, friends, and visitors to contribute however the Lord leads them, we offer four ways to give:

  • by cash, placed in the offering plates passed during our worship services
  • by check, placed in offering plates during worship services or mailed to First Baptist
  • by credit or debit card, submitted securely using our ChurchTrac Giving website or by text message
  • by bank account debit, submitted securely using our ChurchTrac Giving website

If you use our online giving website, you can:

  • make a one-time donation without needing to register
  • register, then make one-time donations whenever you choose, or setup automatic donations on the schedule and in the amounts you choose

Click on the tabs, above, for specific information on contributing to First Baptist.

During most worship services we collect offerings by passing plates along each pew.

If you wish to make a cash donation, please place your contribution in the plate as it passes.  If you wish, you can put your cash donation in an offering envelope found in the pew back ahead of you.

If you wish to contribute by check, you can either:

  • Place your check (in an offering envelope if you wish) in the offering plate when it passes by during a worship service.
    — OR —
  • Mail your check to:
    First Baptist Church
    1407 E Main St
    Fredericksburg, TX 78624

Please make checks payable to:  FBCFBG or First Baptist Fredericksburg

To make it easier for First Baptist members, friends, and visitors to contribute electronically, you can donate securely using our ChurchTrac Online Giving website.  Click the button below to go to our online giving page.

First Baptist’s online giving service is provided by ChurchTrac, a US-based company that has been providing church management software and services since 2002.

ChurchTrac Giving uses the services of Stripe, Inc. to handle contributions.  Stripe complies with all requirements set by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).  These standards ensure that all companies that accept, process, store, or transmit credit card information are secure.  PCI compliance is validated by an independent industry organization.

PCI DSS requires ChurchTrac Giving to:

  • Use and maintain firewalls to prevent unauthorized access to all systems
  • Use strong passwords and unique system settings (not vendor-supplied defaults)
  • Protect all cardholder data from unauthorized electronic or physical access
  • Encrypt all point-to-point data transmissions across open/public lines
  • Protect against malware
  • Keep current with all vendor-supplied security patches
  • Identify and authenticate all system access
  • Restrict access to cardholder data by business need-to-know
  • Track and monitor all access to systems, networks, and cardholder data
  • Regularly test all of the above