VBS 2024 was held on June 24-28. We were blessed to host 310 kids. Our theme this year was Breaker Rock Beach! VBS is open to children from age 4 through 5th grade (just completed).
About VBS: Vacation Bible School, or VBS, is a fun-filled program First Baptist Church offers during the summer (“vacation”) months to connect with the children and families in our community. There is never a fee, and we welcome all children, just as God made them!
Through VBS, we seek to minister to children from our community and to teach them about God and the Bible. VBS is one way that we follow the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) to tell everyone about the good news of Jesus Christ.
Each year we use a different curriculum that offers great music, creative crafts, engaging Bible Stories, yummy snacks, applicable mission studies, and wildly fun recreation! Don’t miss out on the adventure!
Registration is open for children who will be 4 years old by July 1st, fully potty trained, through children who have completed 5th grade.
Advance registration is closed. Please register in person on Monday June 24th before 8:30 AM.
History of VBS
Vacation Bible School began in the 1890s as a way to keep children off the streets in the summer. Today, Vacation Bible School is a popular summer activity for Christians and non-Christians alike.
First Baptist generally runs Vacation Bible School for a week during the summer. Each year’s VBS program has its own theme that children can explore. VBS includes games, snacks, crafts, mission’s study and exciting Bible lessons. There is always a connection between God and the theme, allowing kids to discover God in a creative way.
Many Christian adults may recall that VBS was where they first learned about Jesus Christ, resulting in their salvation. “We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.” (Psalm 78:4)